Innate Morphine is made in poppies. A Reticuline epimer converts to Thebaine, and then enzymatic methyl group oxidation triggers a flow....
Innate Morphine is made in poppies. A Reticuline epimer converts to Thebaine, and then enzymatic methyl group oxidation triggers a flow....
Thanks for much for subscribing to my blog or following it! Please do send me a list of your preferred poems. Here is poem number 100!...
Part a You watched The Fly at the movies, back in 58, and ran through the coal black. You were sucked out of the graveyard, shrieking in...
A photon has its wavelength made longer - by coldness? Altered light climbs out of a gravitational well The redshift is one blade of...
In memory of John Marsh 26th December 1947 - 30th August 2020 The wisest garment We chewed the fat over many years with friendship set on...
The barber shop pole lighthouse frames the right It stands proud guarding the blue-grey canvas Sky that shows comfort blanket-cloud,...
Visiting your smart, light domain with the tidy desks Admiring your typed, filed reports in their cabinets This is a country of its own...
Today is restful In the folds of a dream, they say mercy is forgiveness How entreating! Portia pleads with the Merchant of Venice They...
New mornings rise to break the tension The custody dawns unblock multiple securities in a room of insecurities The sun imparts a new...
This poem came about thanks to a helpful conversation with my daughter Rosie (thanks) x Elusive In a more fertile land the pesticides are...
Warehouse hearts in us are cardiac miracles Our blood lifelines are forced to withstand skirmishes Red tissue masks Black marks that need...
Six o’clock hurts There are rips in the future caused by leeches Blood loss No choice Shropshire green is clouded - squares of smothering...
Another one of my poems has been accepted for publication in 14 magazine (release date is 1st October but I've been told that the news...
I'm so honoured to see one of my poems published in a new collection (edited by Elsa Hammond): https://torch.ox.ac.uk/article/new-scipo-p...
When ‘advent two’ comes there will be sound louder than anything heard before Light will form in heaven blare and blaze Then, royal...
A gene mutation raises stocks of red pigment giving pink that shocks The colour defeats unmutated green in shows of melanin pomp
The Isle of Skye - my opportune age All God-pressed into four long minutes Stillness in trees / I was overcome A life’s wish was...
Observe the perfect synthesis in crucibles of peace and light Witness the celestial buds change miraculously in heat See His destined...
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34… He was unusual. When the teacher told him about Fibonacci and the sequence, he started to dream. The...
Here is a re-worked poem based on some words that I wrote a long while ago: The ice-cream afternoon that I remember in August The cancer...