In memory of John Marsh
26th December 1947 - 30th August 2020
The wisest garment
We chewed the fat over many years
with friendship set on a clear-cut course
We shot through Time, back to point zero
There, in the white start, the Big Bang cause
was not diced into a multiverse
We counted four dimensions - your count
of all the arguments for our God
were silver stars in the secure truth
Forged by the Lord’s hand. He holds yours now.
We laughed as the old Westminster gears
stopped and started. Your grasp of the past
added vibrant blues to thought chambers
in which your firm faith emporia
entertained kindness - you hosted well
Your landscape was the wisest garment
Fine fabric stretched from your Lancashire
To Hertfordshire and to new places
Family was treasure to you John
Let loving Peace be today’s treasure
and for always, my true and dear friend