New mornings rise to break the tension
The custody dawns
unblock multiple securities
in a room of insecurities
The sun imparts a new shade - milky
Its platinum permits value, then
Wonders of mortals
Inexact motion
The soft constrictions and expansions
The clocks that don’t work
Hair that clogs, streaking all surfaces
The missing senses
Naught is unnoticed
The venting and closing of windows
Sugar that never fails to sweeten
The unsettling that
searches for a larger reservoir
A reservoir
of love, substance and affirmation
The floods of blood - tears
that form fragile pools
The new dwellings are seas of this water
They’re built and knocked down
as often as ocean tides submit
to gravity pulls
There is no option
but to accommodate these wonders
and enjoy their charms
For, slowly, the effervescence dies
in glasses of
water by the bed
Predictability comes with sleep
and the sinking froth