"There's been a quantum leap technologically in our age, but unless there's another quantum leap in human relations, unless we learn to live in a new way towards one another, there will be a catastrophe."
Albert Einstein
Rest in the silver-blue
Peace is still water
that wants to meet us
at the front door
Peace is always moving
Lakes of mercury without the metallic sheen
Aqueous life
Peace has surface tension but understands
Peace maintains the status quo and its liquid
fills a house, room by room
Removing palpitations of anger
All its reflective power
is Peace’s instrument
in an orchestra of analysis and pause
The split second a wave retires,
leaving a night of silence
at the beach
Peace never crashes
on the still water
It is alert and bears an understated importance
At the extremes of life
Peace is unsettled
which brings a numbness
after a time spent thinking
about seas meeting
Peace cries
Peace mutates and finds rest in the silver-blue,
clinging to no edge