I'm doing a reading on West Wilts Radio! See below:
Dominic Fisher, master of delicious phrases ('afternoon half-covers a table', 'sleep also is a road across a river'), and Deborah Harvey, where images from the natural world skewer our internal anxieties ('the weight gripping her bony shoulder is a patient bird of prey') are set to deliver an unmissable serving of poetry on The Poetry Place at 3pm on Sunday September 25th. They'll be joined by a brilliant line-up of open mic readers, including June Wentland, Maggie Harris, Stephen Paul Wren, Sue Cawthorne, Marie Papier, Moira Andrew, and Eileen Anne Gordon, who will bring you angels on the ceiling, a 'healing elixir', and ruminations about 'time'. You can listen in online, 'live', wherever you are in the world, at https://westwiltsradio.com/ - or, as always, any time afterwards via Play Again, here: https://westwiltsradio.com/shows/the-poetry-place/