A perfect life was seen in Galilee
Around dusty shores of the Kinneret
A ministry so precious! It set free
Resplendent changes in the hearts of men
His footsteps near the Lebanese cedars
Templated a path to salvation, when
Comforted disciples all heard the Lord
Say ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life’
Everything became sharpened by His sword
The hearts of villagers and all besides
Cleansed by means other than the Kinneret
Access was possible for their confides
With the Father, gloriously though Him
Just through Him, enacting God’s will, not theirs
Every single chosen soul, mind and limb
Gained entry to the kingdom of heaven
Through the challenging narrow gate to life
To Friendships with the Lord, not to lessen
Truth, as sure as the mangrove seeds cluster
Masses on this new shattered, rebuilt earth
Love led to mercy, the great adjuster
Who planted groves of man to bear sweet fruit
Groups of trees to please and honour the Lord
And so our rewards come from crown to root