I was a badger for the ages on and off
I did not have enough time to avoid the car
Gosh, the impact STUNG!
My grey neck was flattened demolished
Nerves all gone turning my head hair blood red
Unworthy of lab tests
My family needed me you see
Little dears
I travelled far from my sett that clear, May nighttime
Moon-wildflower scents blooming in my snout
I was not returning home
The rushing driver was careless
and had no respect for this country lane
Other badgers did not try to mourn my passing once they heard the news
I clambered over layers of pea green gush
undergrowth became road
and the failing light was my un-doing
there was another factor: human error
(the abuse of an accident)
or did cruel leanings grow
in the driver’s blank, dead philosophy?
Like an itch that became a collection of injuries
I sunk deep into the rural ether
Other humans saw me dead later
They did not question the air between my body and their faces
at all
they saw my lone innocence flat on the tarmac
They wanted to touch and did not want to touch
before they turned all of their attention
to the driver’s mind
Was this death caused by poor judgement? Was the driver a sick or self-absorbed man or woman? Was the driver on crystal meth or under the influence of alcohol? Was the driver just plain stupid or a speedster? Perhaps the driver had no history of speeding fines. Perhaps the driver was just a serial avoider who did not have the decency to bury me.