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A new take on the song "If You Asked Me To" (written by D. Warren/originally recorded by P. LaBelle)

a sense of sadness strikes me

been a long time since pleasure

cups of coffee in my grip

designs for their hot contents

ethics to soften your grime

foul words fit for hellish Kings

going to protect my love

hope for some new fine, healed days

I could cherish you again

just ask me to change my mind

keep me on a straight narrow

let me find my home somewhere

my heart can’t stand this hopeless,

nasty ploy. My soul needs new

postures. Please find them for me.

quantum worlds for big pictures

right then left go my new shoes

searching for the solid clues

that prove we can build a home

under your thumb and over

vain moons hanging by your arms

would you please ask me baby?

Xanax® can go in the bin

you just have to ask me please

Zantac® can then leave me be


All lines bear seven syllables; each line starts with successive letters through the alphabet!

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